Over the past 5 years we have moved into a new age for media and marketing. The Internet has surpassed various traditional media in reach and influence. Media has fragmented. And the ‘work’ of marketing has gotten more complex, more comprehensive, more all inclusive. No longer is traditional marketing and planning sufficient. (Perhaps it is for some of the Fortune 500. But all others take note.) If you expect to market a product or service successfully, you must leverage the “mosaic” of tools that exist: web, email, behavioral targeting, social media, street marketing — and traditional media. This is clear to most good marketers today. But it is the COMBO of tactics — the mix, the ‘secret sauce’ — that makes a campaign in this environment successful.
So the posts shared on this blog will aim to take stock, take note and provide analysis on this new paradigm that I call Marketing 2.0.
New brands will emerge. Existing brands will roll up out new campaigns and products. Some will do so exclusively via digital means, some exclusively via traditional marketing. (Here’s a link to an interesting case study of digital-only marketing success.) But the most interesting work will take place in the intersection of old and new tactics. Where the secret sauce separates winners from losers. Where execution and strategy come together.