- A break through year for LIVE online video
- Royal Wedding with 2 billion people watching, lifting the British national mood and putting on an amazing display of pageantry for the world
- Appreciating Steve Jobs. While there will never be another like him, he is already inspiring the current generation of entrepreneurs. His legacy and products will continue to inspire future generations. Thanks Steve.
- The Harvest Wine Festival and NYC Winter Wine Festival selling out, showing the draw of grass roots events and popularity of wine tastings (see video)
- Weekend in Rio, staying in Ipanema on the beach and shooting video of Samba musicians on the Corcovado tram.
- Federal Judge Jed Rakoff refusing to accept the $285 million proposed settlement between the SEC and Citigroup over the sale of toxic mortgage securities. (Too low!)
- Parallels Desktop 7 and Mac
- The continued growth of the online video business
- Occupy Wall Street — a grass roots movement, w/ video providing access worldwide
- Having the best wife and kids
Related articles
- Watch Steve Jobs In JibJab’s 2011 Year In Review (iphonesavior.com)
- Google Zeitgeist 2011: Year in Review (VIDEO) (blippitt.com)
- 2011 technology year in review: Steve Jobs’ innovative force remembered (charlotte.news14.com)
- Marketers Use Online Video to Complement, Not Cannibalize, TV Ads – eMarketer (huguesrey.wordpress.com)
- Top 5 Geeky Events of 2011 (geektyrant.com)
- Top 10 videos 2011 of the buzz (mattstays.wordpress.com)
- Rare Photo Shows Steve Jobs’s Rebellious Spirit As He Flips The Bird To IBM (cultofmac.com)
- Nielsen’s Top Online Video Destinations & Web Brands Of 2011 (reelseo.com)
- YouTube stomps the competition: Streams 12 billion more clips than Hulu (thenextweb.com)
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